Disney’s Pixar Animation Studios has come out with a teaser advertisement for their tenth feature film, Up. The ad, screened during NBC coverage of the Super Bowl, places the movie in the context of Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Wall E, The Incredibles and Cars, before uncovering the nature of the two main characters in the plot.
78 year old Carl Fredricksen is voiced by Edward Asner, the 79 year old actor known for his Lou Grant role. When Carl was a child, he met and eventually married a girl named Ellie who grew up in a small midwestern town. Ellie had always dreamed of exploring the mountains, but she died before she got a chance. Now, when developers threaten to move him into an assisted living home, Carl decides to fulfill his promise to Ellie. To accomplish this, he ties thousands of helium filled balloons to his home. Once he’s in the air he discovers a stowaway, an over optimistic eight-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell, voiced by Jordan Nagai. The two opposites match up for thrilling adventures as they encounter wild terrain, unexpected villains, and all the terrifying creatures that wait in the jungle.
Click on the image below to play the video in YouTube
Pixar’s Up production team include director Pete Docter, co-director/writer Bob Peterson, producer Jonas Rivera, executive producer John Lasseter, and composer Michael Giacchino. Read up on the background of the film at the Pixar blog and Pixar Wiki.
Trailers can be viewed and downloaded in quicktime at Apple Trailers.
The film is set to be released on May 29, 2009 and will be the first Pixar film released in Disney Digital 3-D(TM).